Let's Take Care of the Treehouse

The Pease Park Treehouse is more than just a play structure. It’s a symbol of community and the importance of green spaces in urban environments. It serves as a gathering space for families, friends, and visitors of all ages to relax, play, or simply enjoy the surroundings while resting among the trees.

For Pease Park Conservancy, the Treehouse continues to be a source of pride and is regularly maintained by our Park Operations Team to ensure its safety and accessibility.

Since opening in July of 2021, the Treehouse has seen more than 60,000 visits by 28,000 visitors, weathered winter storms, and been the site for sound baths, birthday parties, and so much more.

With all of this activity comes wear and tear, and we have found that the Treehouse is in need of some repairs. It is currently closed and cannot reopen until these repairs are completed. We want to ensure that the Treehouse can continue to be Austin’s go-to gathering place.

We need your help! Will you help us fund the repairs in the Treehouse?

Help us fund this important project by making a donation today.

Thank you for your support!