Make Your Mark


You have the chance to be part of Pease Park history. Now is the time to make your mark by etching your name in the ribbon wall that surrounds Kingsbury Commons.

*Etchings are scheduled to take place in Spring 2025

$5,000 Donation

  • one line per donation

  • large font - 1.5 inches

  • line limited to 20 characters (including spaces)

$2,500 Donation

  • one line per donation

  • medium font - 1.25 inches

  • line limited to 32 characters (including spaces)

$1,000 Donation

  • one line per donation

  • small font - 1 inch

  • line limited to 34 characters (including spaces)

Questions or want to make a bigger impact? Contact Jordan Fuhrer at

Thank You!