We are excited to announce that a Thomas Dambo Troll installation will soon be underway in Pease Park! After overwhelming support from the community during community engagement in the fall and an extensive review process with the City of Austin, this project is a go!
Key components of Pease Park’s warm and welcoming troll have arrived in Austin and the Thomas Dambo team will soon follow. Thomas Dambo will begin the build in late February using recycled wood sourced from Harvest Lumber, a sustainable sawmill dedicated to giving new life to Austin’s fallen trees. Much of the material that will be used to build Austin’s wise troll was milled by Harvest Lumber from a water tank that resided at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University of Texas at Austin. Extensive planning has gone into this incredible art installation and we can’t wait to see the joy and delight it will bring to Pease Park visitors!
As Pease Park Conservancy CEO, Nicole Netherton, said in her recent blog post on Art in Public Spaces,
“(Public art) can provide a connection between people and their environment, a valuable proposition in a time when it may be easy to feel disconnected from the world and the people around us. Public art can be a gateway - for questions, exploration, and observation.”
You may have questions about this BIG undertaking. Please check our FAQs for answers, and then reach out to us if you still have questions at info@peasepark.org.
We are seeking committed volunteers to help with the build. See the opportunities here and register if you can join us. We encourage each volunteer to sign up for a couple of 4-hour shifts throughout the two weeks if you are able.